The “Uh” Scale of Men
Even if we never really think about it, we all know words can mean different things by the way they’re said. Don’t believe me? Okayyyyyyy. See? Not only did I acknowledge your response, I also said, “How many times were you dropped on your head as a child, you moron.”
I’m not sure why nobody ever teaches anyone this great stuff, but it’s probably something similar to the reason a kindergarten teacher would have trouble explaining to parents how well their little Johnny is doing with his burped alphabet.
Don’t underestimate the power of the economical squeaks and grunts of speech, though. Even if they’re not acceptable in a game of Scrabble, they can be blank canvases that we can stretch or color with our mood.
When you know how the length and tone of words can influence their meanings, well you’re practically like the Rembrandt of talking at that point okay! DuuUUuuUUuuh.
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Instructional Diagrams Are One of the Habits of Successful People
Depending on your definition of “successful.”