Baby Size Compared to Junk Food (A More Honest Chart)
From the moment the pee on a pregnancy stick says “yes, the gleam in his eye has met the speck in her tummy,” we start the process of wondering how big the little one actually is in there. Through all the weeks, months and trimesters. So, we find fetal size references that make a woman’s belly seem like a flippin’ cornucopia of health food. Hey, what woman doesn’t dream of their secret garden one day becoming a vegetable garden? Please. “My baby just turned gourd-sized.” Nope, it just won’t do.
You can’t gain weight or clog arteries from a comparison, so why compare the size of your unborn baby to health food? This isn’t supposed to be lesson in nutrition, you just want a reference for how big the baby is.
Plus, realistically, how many pregnant women are ever struck with a sudden, insane late-night craving for kumquats? C’mon-quat. The majority of people probably don’t know what the heck a kumquat is, let alone how big one is. Who cares.
I figured, when learning about the growth of the baby during pregnancy, let’s go with what we know! What we LOVE! Even if we shouldn’t love it so much. Or so often.
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Instructional Diagrams Are Delicious
If you could eat them, they really would be delicious. Except maybe the poop-related ones.