Parentopoly, The Give ‘n’ Give ‘n’ Give Game
It’s likely you’ve played Monopoly before (even if you’ve never finished it), since statistically about 11 out 10 households have had the board game given as a gift one year or another.
Parenting can truly seem like a game, too. How many times do you think one parent has said, “Go, it’s your turn!” to the other? And the price of some train toys can make you feel like you’ve purchased an actual railroad. You may even hear dice rolling sometimes.
At least it seems like some kind of test of endurance and sanity. A really long and tedious one. Yes, of course its prizes are so great you can’t properly imagine them before having and raising kids, but still… it’s got its tough patches.
So, it really seems like there should be cards you can draw. Of course, some of them would be lame to pull, but hey, this is Parentopoly, not Perfectopoly.
Following us on Facebook is like proceeding to GO and collecting $200. Except the $200 is fake. Get over it.
Instructional Diagrams Are the Board Game of Learning
At least with these, you don’t need to worry about winding up with the lame iron token.