The Trouble With Twerkers: An Open Letter to Miley Cyrus

Posted under NOTEBOOK


Ms. Cyrus,

You don’t know us. We are dads over the age of seventeen, and as such we do not represent your target demographic although we are in the midst of raising some of your constituents. We (still here), unfortunately, are more or less invisible. That is on society, not you. However, our children, assuming we would ever let them listen to bubble gum pop music, are well within the warm confines of your audience. They watch TV. They like to dance. They have giant foam fingers (there’s an ointment for that). They know what’s up.

The other night many kids tuned in to the Video Music Awards (VMA) on MTV, which, apparently, still exists as a thing, in hopes of being entertained. They wanted to see their favorite artist, Robin Thicke, whom, we can all agree, is an upstanding role model for young children to emulate, what with his catchy ode to the importance of proper eye care (“Blurred Lines”). They were ecstatic when he joined you on stage””Two Chainz, Kendrick Lamar, and a chorus line from Built Barez Workshop (is that right?) were just icing on the proverbial cake. It was joyful pandemonium, and we couldn’t think of a more appropriate show for our children to watch on a Sunday night at 9pm! After all, they did have school in the morning.

That is when it happened. You had just revealed your pseudo-birthday suit, which, we thought, was an inspiring way to remind kids about the dangers of sun exposure, and then you started twerking, as one does. It happened quickly, and then it happened again.

And again.

In fact, it happened so often that we lost count and instead of watching it unfold we turned to our crying children, begging them to cover their well-cared for eyes with their awkward foam fingers.

But it was too late.

You stuck your tongue out. Repeatedly.

Now, thanks to you, we have to explain to our children the dangers of sticking one’s tongue out, and why, when running, playing, or twerking, they should wear a fitted mouthguard (or a helmet) to prevent any number of mishaps””the potential for chapping one’s lips, biting their tongue, or placing it firmly in cheek is undeniable and dangerous. The VMAs was supposed to be a family show, but your blatant disregard for mouth safety turned it into some sort of orthodontia farce. MTV deserves better than that. We all do.


This afternoon, on the way to twerk lessons, we stopped and bought a dozen mouthpieces””one for every child in the class. That is how sure we were that they would have seen your questionable behavior and, as children are prone to do, copy it.

We only have one stick of lip balm and their twerk recital is on Thursday. They have practiced too hard to risk it all now.

“Daddy,” they said. “Why would Robin Thicke let her do that? Doesn’t he care about tongue injuries, lip dryness, or oral hygiene?”

This was a conversation that we weren’t ready for. Sure, we knew it was coming, but not at this age. Not this young. Not yet.

We took a deep breath and said, “Apparently not.”

That look, at that moment, on their faces, was so overwhelmingly heartbreaking that it stopped us mid text. We drove the rest of the block in silence. Robin Thicke deserves better, too.

The world is very different today, and the children know it. That, Miley Cyrus, is on you.

Thank you for your time,
Whit Honea, Charlie Capen, and Andy Herald

The father of Atticus and Zane, Whit Honea is a writer, producer and recreational twerking instructor whose first name phonetically tells you everything you need to know about him. You should follow his Facebook page and his blog, Honea Express! Also, he has a book coming out in January, so that’s cool.




  • Tango says:

    The image of the Smith family, while proclaimed to be at the VMAs watching Miley Cyrus was instead them watching Lady Gaga.

  • Sarah McLellan says:

    I woke up way too early this morning and decided to watch that clip everyone keeps talking about before the kids woke up. Oh. Miley. God… What’s gotten into her?!? Even the artists in the audience didn’t know where to look because it was so awkward. I’m just glad my daughter (7) didn’t see it. I have no idea how I would’ve explained that one! (She loooves Hannah Montana…)

  • Lisa Belkin says:

    Except that photo was not taken of them watching Miley. They were actually watching Lady Gaga. And the video shows that Mom does not have her hand over her mouth in shock, but is, instead, scratching her nose. But why let the facts get in the way of a really good photo…

    • charlie says:

      Not sure if you knew this but this is a humorous post, not a nightly news program.

      • Lisa Belkin says:

        REALLY??? So no campaign for mouth safety either? ????Damn. I thought we could get some PSA traction on that… I mean, that;s a viral cause if ever I’ve heard one. But, still, the photo was taken out of context, and the whole mess is bad enough, it doesn’t need to be ooomphed by a fake pic… Love and kisses, L.

        • charlie says:

          I think this post says what we have to say about the matter including pic. Oomphing is reserved for weekends when the kids aren’t around.

        • Whit Honea says:

          That’s why we used it, Lisa, because our kids didn’t watch it either. It’s all out of context. We work on many levels, like a parfait. Everyone is so upset about what Miley did, and what it means to the children, but a) Miley wasn’t the only one doing something wrong, b) how is a song about date rape the feel good hit of the summer? and c) kids shouldn’t have been watching any of the VMAs in the first place (even the Smith kids should have been in bed). We took the fake angle and used a fake photo to support it, because ‘Murica.

          • Lisa Belkin says:

            Well then. You did perfect. Good job!

          • Becasue ‘Murica! Bwahaha! Party in the U.S.A.! (Wasted MIley reference there, I know.)

          • mom101 says:

            I love Whit. I love Charlie. I love Lisa.

            I want to be in a room with all of you right now and figure out who among us is the best at twerking. I’m thinking Whit.

          • charlie says:

            I think Lisa might surprise us all.

    • Whit Honea says:

      I shouldn’t have to explain humor to you, Lisa.

  • I’m so out of touch with pop music that I thought that was Ricky Martin in the GIF. What’s a twerk, anyway?

  • Josh says:

    I am hoping Living Social comes out with a deal on a twerking class. I now feel old and in the way, and really want to learn this sweet move.

  • So who do you think was the bigger offender in this case Whit? Robin Thicke or Miley Cyrus?
    What is your opinion of the lyrics to the song “Blurred Lines”?

  • Pam says:

    I cringe.

  • Monica says:

    Clearly this letter to Miley is Genius. I love how you take something that everyone is talking about and turn it into something so Sarcastic. Genius on the whole mouth guard angle. Sarcasm is a favorite of mine. I think they both need to grow up. Clearly the use of the “kids” watching the VMA’s at 9 on sunday with School the next day should have been a clear indication that this is not the typical letter to Miley. Not to mention what a Role Model Robin Thicke is. I agree that his song is horrible and inappropriate. Thank you for this moment that clearly says what you mean between the lines. Awesome!

  • Andy Hinds says:

    Whit–Did you realize that’s not really even The Smiths in that picture? It’s a tribute group called “This Charming Band.”

  • Rob O. says:

    That there’s an invented urban term “twerking” is really unnecessary. There were already words for this. In our house, this is just “being skanky.”

    This is a mostly-talentless and terribly-misguided child doing whatever she can to grasp the last fleeting moments of her dubious fame. Her parents, management, and supporters should all be ashamed. For some (mis)deeds, there are no take-backs.

    What’s most upsetting to me is that the vile Hip Hop culture and the various scumbags who largely inhabit it are only around because mindless parents allow their children to squander vast wads of disposable income on the records, concerts, clothing and other trappings. Jay Z & Usher (for example) exist and are multi-million dollar media moguls because Moms & Dads thoughtlessly but willingly pay for them to be so.

    • Whit Honea says:

      To be fair, Rob O., her dad had a mullet. Also, Usher is an amazing talent.

      • Rob O. says:

        For real – Usher is an amazing talent?

        He is certainly incredibly adept at marketing, as witnessed by the meteoric rise of Beiber. But really, his talent as a musician is fair to good. More of what has made his handful of hits noteworthy is the producers and guest artists. Usher, like so very many of his ilk, rarely has the talent to stand alone – every successful Hip Hop song is a mishmash of artists, producers, and boatloads of digital augmentation to overcome the middling vocals.

  • If I were to ever perform in drag (again), it would be under the stage name Orthodontia Farce.

  • Crissy says:

    Here I thought I was the only one to let my young school aged children to stay up to watch the wholesomeness of the MTV awards show. I mean nothing controversial happens on MTV. I fell so bad for your children I mean what a role model Robin Thicke is for young children and to have Hannah Montana ruin the values Blurred Lines represent, saddens me to no end.

  • Cheryl says:

    You have a book coming out in January? That’s terrific news! Do you have a title yet or are you waiting for it to be born before making that decision?

    • Whit Honea says:

      I do, thanks! And yes to all that stuff. I’ll promote it well past the point of annoyance when it is closer to the release.

      • Cheryl says:

        I’m thrilled for you and can’t wait for the annoyance to begin! Have a great weekend!

  • Great job as always Whit. I was at my sister’s house last night and my niece, funny enough, was watching the Hannah Montana movie. Quite the stark contrast to what was seen on the VMA show. Nice to see Whit contributing here Charlie and Andy, well done!

  • Bryan says:


    Great job, Whit.

  • James says:

    MTV awards is not something small children should ever be watching. There is always something to moan about. She’s a
    20 year old woman, why do people care so much about what she did? Let her do what she wants, we are not talking the nickelodeon awards here. If people got as pissed about important things like Syria instead of a grown woman dancing then we could actually do something.

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