Parenterms: “Sprintercourse”

Posted under SNAPSHOTS

Funny Parenting Terms Sprintercourse

Tick tock, tick tock. The clock is ticking for parents. Always. For something. Everything. Raising kids is a game show that starts with “hurry up” music playing, and it never stops.

When it comes to making time to make some love, it’s so often the expendable scene that winds up on the editing room floor of the movie you’re living. Your lives and schedules don’t fully belong to you anymore, or much at all, really. As a result, being intimate can wind up being a medal-worthy, speed challenge with foreplay pretty much a forsaken conclusion. On your mark… get set… GO!

You and your partner race against time; against the baby crying, or kid knocking, or pestering pet, or a doorbell or cellphone ringing, or simply because you only have small gaps between the important thing you just did and the one you need to do next. In like five minutes. Five minutes you have to make into five sweet, passionate minutes.



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We can barely seem to formulate coherent sentences since having kids, so why not make up a few words.

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  • This is all about where we are in our house right now. My son isn’t take a nap anymore. Nap time used to be “Mommy and Daddy Alone” time. I am in mourning for nap time. Not that I’m complaining. I’ll take a sweet 5 minutes whenever I can get it!

  • Bonnie B. says:

    My husband and I once got interrupted 3 times during “Mommy and Daddy Alone” time and it was frustrating as hell, but we also couldn’t stop laughing. Those are the foxhole-moments that bind you.

  • Jo says:

    Bahahaha “foxhole moments”… I can’t stop laughing…

  • Whitney says:

    Our son still takes his 2.5 hour naps, and we have a one month old who also sleeps for four or five hours at a time. However, I know the time will soon be upon us when ‘sprintercourse’ is a frequently used term. Really not looking forward to that…

  • Rachel says:

    Yup.. Fox hole moments make no sex not so bad. We always end up laughing and I love that 🙂

  • Shelby C. says:

    Our daughter always comes in when it’s ‘my turn’…cause god only knows it doesn’t happen at the same time anymore.

  • Dejah Danger says:

    When you’re a single parent, there’s no time for solo sprintercourese either.

  • Michelle says:

    Our son is 3 weeks old, we havent had sex in over a month. I. Am. Dying! We’re basically looking at sprintercourse for the next 3 years at least. God help us.

  • Melanie says:

    My husband and I have a bolt on our door. That way even though our child still tries to come in during our mom and dad moment he can’t. So we ignore him and let him play in his room while we have our time. Gotta do something otherwise we’ll never get alone time. We laugh at each other. Foreplay was eons ago!

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