Fowl Language Comics: Showing Your Kid Useless Crap
This dad thing is a challenge on so many levels. Getting the kids to brush their teeth. Begging them to eat their meals. Convincing them that the new thing on their plate isn’t poison, all the while knowing they’ve gleefully attempted to eat actual, inedible things in the past without the least bit of concern. (I’m looking at you, Play-Doh.)
One of the biggest challenges for me, however, has been getting my oldest kid interested in reading. It’s just not that interesting to his five-year-old brain. I mean, I get it. Trying to understand why the letter O makes different sounds in different words has nothing on launching birds from a slingshot which then turn into a frickin’ bomb, mid-flight. Hell, just the thought of explaining letter sounds to him again makes me want to pick up my phone and procrastinate.
Still, I want my son to be able to enjoy great works of literature. Or at the very least, follow in his dad’s footsteps and spend too much time reading cartoons on the Internet.
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