14 Years in Four Minutes


I saw Interstellar last weekend with Avara. Let’s just say it was a parade of feels and angst. The movie, without giving anything away, deals with some pretty intense concepts when it comes to space and time. And no, not in a Doc Emmett Brown 1.21 JIGGAWATTs kind of way.

It’s stayed with me. The movie. And it’s message. So many things about it, in fact.

So, when I stumbled across this video for a second time, I knew time and space conspired for me to share it now, again, or maybe for the first time depending on what you believe about fate and the fabric of free will. This four minutes will reduce down, in a similar way to Boyhood, the cadence of time with your kids into an instantaneous feeling.

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Any feels we need to talk about? Share this around. We all need a little perspective on time.


  • Colton says:

    I haven’t seen Interstellar yet, or “Boyhood”. But I’ve always liked these time lapse things. I have to admit that it took me until he was about 2.5 years old to realize that he was, in fact, a she. Maybe I would have figured out sooner if I weren’t colorblind and could tell that shehe was wearing pink at some point. After seeing it, I have realized that the two people pictured on the video’s play screen are the same person, not the mother and son. Haha.

    In other news, my wife is just past a week overdue with our first kid, and I’m going to go bonkers! Every day past his due date that the little devil fails to appear is killing me! Everything is fine, he’s healthy, but I had no idea that I would be experiencing this. Due dates suck. It’s like anticipating a vacation to Disneyland that keeps getting put off for one more day.

    P.S. I’m not asking for any advice on initiating labor, although that might make a funny post. People are seriously completely crazy when it comes to this. “Drink this stuff that will give you explosive diarrhea, etc.” It’s especially cruel because desperately pregnant women aren’t notoriously logical.

  • Marvin says:

    An awesome video! I really want to know how the parents pulled this off for 14 years. I want to start doing it with our kids even though they’re both 3 & 2. Maybe we should just have another! In all seriousness this sent goosebumps down my body. Realizing that my children will both grow up one day and imagining that transition.

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