7 Signs You’re A Parent

Posted under NOTEBOOK

1. You Repeat Yourself


You don’t like telling the same stories, giving repeat instructions and pleading over/over/over again that you need something vital to happen. But that’s what happens. Every day. All the time.

1. You Repeat Yourself


You don’t like telling the same stories, giving repeat instructions and pleading over/over/over again that you need something vital to happen. But that’s what happens. Every day. All the time.

3. Slow Reaction Time


Let’s ignore those crazy spidey-parent senses you now possess, how many times do people have to say things before they make sense to you? Sometimes, pre-coffee, I need things repeated upwards of 32 times. Verifying it’s in english. For the second time. And then, after careful consideration, I’ll ask about the exact same thing a few hours later.

Welcome to parenthood and swiss cheese thinking!

4. Strong Emotional Responses


I hear music, I cry. I eat good food. I cry. I watch a movie about children in danger, I HULK SMASH. This whole parenting thing really broadens your emotional horizons. And the sun rises and sets with your kids. It’s a flood, a tidal wave, a fire. Good luck finding an off switch for it all.

5. Thinking About the Future

I barely lived in the present before kids. Now, I firmly live in the future by way of the present through my kids. So many plans to make. So many pitfalls. If you’re not careful, your whole life could fast forward right before your eyes. Kids are 1.21 gigawatts of pure awesome.

6. Your House Looks Like This?

7. You Have Kids

Sure, you have kids and thus you’re a parent, but it’s more than that. You have kids, and you know it. Most all the time. It’s inescapable in the best and most difficult ways. Not only do you have kids, they have you. Your actions are dictated, or at minimum modified, with kids in mind.



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