Kid or Dog: Which is harder to raise?


Comedy writer Rob Fee poses the question: which is harder to raise, a kid or a dog? Since we love making odd comparisons ourselves, between human offspring and other unlikely things (like Zombie vs. Baby), I had to put his question to you and present his eye-opening analysis. And also because it’s really friggin’ funny!

Raising a Dog vs Raising a Kid funny comparison by Rob Fee
See the original post here.

Pet owners can dress their little critters up, and even carry them around stuffed in a purse or backpack, or create Facebook pages for them, but when they call their dog or cat their “furry little BABY” or their four-legged KID? A lot of parents tend to snarl a bit at the insulting absurdity of it.

Whichever side of the fence you sit on, playground or dog park, you have to admit… this was really friggin’ funny!

For more from Rob Fee…
Follow @RobFee on Twitter – One of the best accounts to follow.
View his original post on – Get ready for hilarity.
Or just google Rob FeeHe also writes for… everywhere.



  • Kenny (ElectraDaddy) says:

    On the plus side, the dog is always happy to see me when I get home. The kid? It varies.

  • Heather Taylor says:

    Yeah, so dogs are harder. U forgot that I don’t have to get up when my kid poops or pees cuz the diapers and wipes are RIGHT there. Also, because I have boobs. Neither of mine ever turned down boob juice, so feeding is not an issue. Oh, and no kid hair all over the floor, clothes, carpet….except that one time they got the scissors…..

  • Neither our 4 or 2 legged “kids” come with guarantees, despite all the books and manuals we read on how to raise/train them. All members of our family deserve love and respect, and for us to acknowledge and support their differences rather than treat them as if they are the same.

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