How I Shave…


Recently, my son has been pretending to shave during bath time. It’s kinda blowing my mind. I remember those days as a boy when I realized I would one day have hair on my face. And now that my facial hair has taken over my mug, the concept has arrived in my son’s mind. He’s asked me a ton of questions about it, too. One question he had in particular, which I couldn’t answer, was how superheroes shave. Great question, right? There are lots of theories, of course, but I didn’t have a quick answer.

Well, this video should answer his question.

Feel free to use this video if your kids ask about shaving and superheroes. But if they ask if/how Wonder Woman shaves, that’s a different story.

1 Comment

  • Kenny says:

    Considering you both live in drought stricken CA, like I do, I hope you’re not shaving with the water running. Turn that shit off. Only turn it on as needed.

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