10 Father & Son Comic Strips
It all started when I discovered some pencil graffiti on the side of the house. My little boy was so afraid he’d get in trouble, he may have said that a squirrel drew it or something, he was 4 after all.
So it was a surprise for him, when I said they were amazing and only then added he shouldn’t draw on “not paper.” I loved the cute lil’ potato people and we started creating comic strips together out of them. Here are the first 10.
Internet Pictures
Gender Bear
Kid Day
These don’t really show the progress of his drawing skill through the years accurately. Honestly, I loved the potato characters so much, I sort of encouraged them a bit. So cute!
He has moved onto and beyond stick figures, he’s gone through a blocky Minecraft-influenced phase, and now his scribblings are abstract enough that their style is pretty hard to describe.
We draw together all the time. Maybe I should get back into making some more of these comics with him.