Unusual Cocktail Ideas for Unusually Resourceful Parents
For parents, the days of partying into the wee-est hours of the night is an ancient thing of past. Aside from baby sitting, it can be hard to keep our eyes pried open long enough to make a second toast.
But just because we’re “all growed up” and raising kids doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the fermented and distilled fruits and grains of adulthood.
Sure, we don’t all have a full bar and exotic, hard to pronounce liqueurs or all shiny thingamajigs bartenders use, but! Parents are ridiculously good at adapting and overcoming. You may not have ever personally made an emergency diaper out of a grocery bag and a spare blankie, but seeing one on a toddler you’d probably nod with understanding respect.
So! Here are a few ideas of some unusual, makeshift parenting-themed cocktails to inspire you child-wielding adapters and overcomers:

So, maybe these cocktail ideas are a little on the weird side. I can’t personally vouch for all of them (especially the Bloody MacGyver), but I encourage you to loosen your neckties and let down your tight hair buns and experiment a little with making drinks with the items you have in your home, without the usual snobbery of traditional fine mixology.
Have fun with it. Maybe some of these will delight you. Maybe some will make you throw up in your mouth a little. Who knows!
And, of course, as always, drink responsibly!